
十大彩票平台 recognizes its role as a premier employer in 的 region, offering unique student internship experiences for a variety of college students in 安全和健康的工作环境. EGSC致力于提供优质的工作体验 related to 的 student’s major to ensure each intern experiences applied knowledge 在工作环境中. EGSC也致力于提供一个专业的环境 for observational learning opport单位ies necessary to assist students in deciding 他们是否选择了正确的职业. EGSC还致力于提供有价值的 human relations experiences in a professional environment to ease a student’s transition 进入职业生涯.

〇范围和时间 Many EGSC 单位s utilize student interns to assist with temporary staffing needs, to provide a positive learning environment for 的 student intern and to provide positive EGSC学生的榜样. 本政策载列有关申请的程序, screening, approval and duties associated with hosting 学生实习生 at EGSC. EGSC Human Resources/ 职业服务 Office will have primary responsibility for receiving internship requests, ensuring that 的 policy requirements are met and will maintain 学生实习申请记录如下所述. 的实习 process requires close collaboration between designated individuals at EGSC and 的 institution of higher education where 的 student is currently enrolled (home institution) and appropriate documentation of 的 arrangement prior to and during 的 internship. Student interns are generally required to complete a certain number of intern hours over 的 course of 的 semester, with 期ic evaluation occurring at agreed upon 时间间隔. Due to this time sensitive structure, it is imperative that EGSC, 的 student and 的 student’s home institution collaborate to begin 的 process several weeks 在计划的实习开始日期之前.

根据单位负责人或学生的要求确定需要 an internship hosted by EGSC may arise from 的 identification of need by 的 EGSC 单位. 在这种情况下,单位负责人或指定人员请适当的部门 of an institution of higher education describing 的 need and making a request for 学生实习生. 在某些情况下,教师或工作人员在国内机构通知 的 student of an internship requirement and 的 student makes a direct request for EGSC实习. 所有由EGSC主办的实习申请应在 与人力资源厅密切合作.

When considering 学生实习生, 的 EGSC 单位 head or designee and 的 student’s academic advisor confer concerning 的 student’s academic background, internship duties and experiences, and EGSC’s needs and suitability to host 的 intern, which includes 但不限于:

    • Defining 的 duties and scope of work of 的 student intern, including 的 work expectations 以及获得学分所必需的经验;
    • Determining 的 eligibility of 的 student intern based on appropriate screenings and trainings; and
    • Determine if an MOU is in place between EGSC and 的 relevant department of 的 student’s 通过咨询EGSC法律事务部的意见.

提出要求- If EGSC’s need matches 的 internship’s requirements and adequate supervision of 的 intern can be provided by EGSC, 的 EGSC 单位 head or designee will complete and submit 的 申请学生实习表格 to 的 Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Legal Counsel and 的 Director 附上所需的文件.

请求所需的文件- 的 EGSC Unit Head is responsible for acquiring 的 documentation required by this 政策,并提交给考虑的要求. 这包括:

    • 家庭机构申请- 的 student intern’s application and o的r supporting documents that were submitted to 的 student’s home institution must be obtained by 的 EGSC Unit Head and provided 作为请求的一部分.
    • 〇犯罪背景调查 All students must have an acceptable criminal background check conducted within a one-year 期 prior to 的 internship application to cover 的 student’s internship 期. 的 student must consent to and pass a criminal background check through EGSC 实习开始日期前的人力资源部.
    • 未成年人在校培训: All students must have Minors on Campus training completed within a one-year 期 实习前申请覆盖学生的实习期. 的 student must complete this training at EGSC Human Resources prior to start date.
    • 之前的EGSC学生或之前的EGSC员工: All proposed interns will be reviewed by EGSC Human Resources to determine if 的y 你以前是学生还是雇员.
    • 谅解备忘录: A Memorandum of Understanding between EGSC and 的 student’s home institution is necessary to establish 的 internship and describe 的 roles, responsibilities, liabilities 以及各方的责任. EGSC单位负责人必须与EGSC法律事务部协商 to determine if a current MOU between 的 institutions covers 的 proposed internship, 或者是否需要新的谅解备忘录. EGSC单位负责人必须表明是否有谅解备忘录 需要与学生所在机构联系. If a MOU is needed, 的 Unit Head and designee understand that this could take several 几周内获得签名.

的 student may not begin 的 internship until 的 Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Legal Counsel and Human Resources have approved 的 request, all documentation required by this policy is in place and 的 student has passed all screening 培训要求.

EGSC Unit Head duties - After 的 student internship is approved, 的 EGSC Unit Head 或指定人员负责以下工作:

    • Ensuring that 的 student intern does not begin work until all requirements in this 相关政策也得到了满足.
    • 从实习生那里获得一份完全执行的EGSC豁免书;
    • Identifying and assigning qualified EGSC personnel to provide appropriate instruction 并对实习学生进行监督;
    • Orienting 的 student intern to 的 duties associated with 的 internship, facilities, relevant equipment, location, hours, work expectations, code of conduct, and immediate supervisor; and
    • Evaluating 的 performance of 的 student intern using 的 student’s home institution 形式.

学生实习生禁止做的事情 的 EGSC Unit Head is responsible to ensure that 的 student intern is performing 分配给实习生的职责. 实习生禁止开车 EGSC fleet vehicles, operating heaving machinery, handling any chemicals in 的 laboratory, 教室或工作环境,以及操作任何厨房设备.
